May 31, 2016
Someone left the cake out in the rain.
Hello lovelies,
I'm sending this email, hopefully the last if its kind, to update you on what happens next. And guess what? No meal plan or Penny walking needed!
Well, that's not entirely true, but I'm only asking a select few for help since it's for a short period of time.
I will be having my Beverly Hills makeover plastic surgery on June 20 at Good Sam in NW Portland.
This surgery is hopefully outpatient (if I come out of anesthesia fine and am not in too much pain) and will primarily be to reduce, lift and match my breasts and do some repairing of my abdomen area from the last surgery. I'm told I'll have about a week of recovery.
And then all that's left is a shot every three months, meds, supplements galore, dr appts often, and good, clean living. Oh yeah, and my insurance covered tattoo. Still working on what that's going to be.
Today (and for the last month or so) it feels like the hardest part is the ovarian suppression shots. I'm still very much immersed in that and will be for years to come.It turns out medically induced menopause is a real doozy for me. I seem to having all the side effects people fear most. I'm working on ways to ease some of that. One day at a time.I know I've said it before but I could say it a million times and it wouldn't feel like enough. THANK YOU. Thank you for making me food, walking Penny, emailing me, repairing my couch cover, giving me advice, bringing me puzzles, bringing me magazines, texting me emojis, visiting me in the hospital, coming with me to appointments, running Puddletown, suggesting tv shows, and much much more.
PS The lyric in the subject is from "MacArthur Park." A Donna Summer song I sang many times daily as a child until my throat was sore.