January 17, 2016

HI Will,

I really lovereceiving correspondence from you. I can feel your heart coming throughand it is as if you are closer, even though it has been so many yearssince we were together.

My day to day is up and down. Mypain is mostly manageable although my lower back seems to be the worstof it (from lying down so much?). I really don't like taking the painmedication since it just puts me out and also doesn't allow me to go tothe bathroom. It is all a work in progress.

I'm surrounded by so many people that love me and will do anything to help and yet I feel alone. This is normal I'm sure.

Thebiggest moment so far was getting wheeled out of the hospital. Beingsuch an extrovert, as soon as I saw the reflection of myself throughstrangers coming and going, I felt a strong sense of this new version ofmyself. It might be temporary, but for the foreseeable future, I am a cancer patient. Someone who needs help, doesn't feel good, is constantly going to doctor's appointments, and more unpleasantries.

Forsome reason you get the most truth out of me Will. I'm sure it is hardto read but I so appreciate having you there to tell.

I still know there is an end to this, with a healthy life on the other side, but it seems far away today. And I'm impatient.

So much love,


January 14, 2016


January 21, 2016