November 25, 2015 pt 2

Hello again,

Isn't life funny, aka annoying? After sending the earlier email the doctor that performed the biopsy called. He had a different take on the results.

Yes, it is Invasive Ductal Carcinoma but no, he doesn't expect one surgery to resolve it.

He said that yes, surgery is necessary but that because of the size of the lump he thinks chemotherapy will be necessary. He also said that they should remove a lymph node (a more invasive surgery) to make sure things haven't spread. And to expect some disfigurement. He also said, "I can't say that this won't effect your life expectancy." That part was my favorite.

So after many more phone calls from the cancer support center, the nurse who gave the first, softer results, and the surgeon I was supposed to meet Thursday, my appointment has been moved up to Tuesday. I will have more answers then. I think.

What the fuck is wrong with that doctor? And everyone? I can't say that this won't effect your life expectancy?! Who says that?

Thanks for riding the roller coaster with me. Stay tuned.




November 25, 2015


November 27, 2015