November 25, 2015
I got my test results back and since they were 90% certain it was cancer, I'm taking this as good news:
The lump in my right breast is fine.
The lump in my left breast is Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. It needs to be removed but is often resolved with 1 surgical procedure. So in some ways it sounds similar to my melanoma. I hope you all visit me when I'm jacked up on pain killers.
They won't know the stage until after they remove it. I think. Or with an MRI. Details are fuzzy there.
I am going with Stacey to a breast surgeon next Thursday to discuss the next steps. I feel in surprisingly good spirits.
I am attributing this mostly to getting to watch Martha Stewart answer pie questions live this morning. It really brought me a lot of joy.
I love you guys.