November 23, 2015
Dear Aimee,
I'm ok. Mostly just scared and impatient. Spending too much time thinking of possible scenarios. Apparently when I do get results (soonest Wednesday but maybe not until Friday) it will only confirm whether or not I have cancer, but it will probably be weeks before we know any details. What the hell?
I always need warm. I could wear my winter hat permanently from October-June. I kind of do. I also really want someone to invent something I could put on my nose to keep it warm. And whenever I go to acupuncture I ask for the table to be heated and the space heater to be moved way up. And I love soup. And warm pie. And pumpkin/ squash. And hot cocoa. And hot tea.
The biopsy didn't really hurt. It was uncomfortable and annoying and my boobs were cold, but I listened to Willie Nelson and it transported me in the best way. I made an appointment with a breast surgeon in Lake Oswego for 12/3. My sister is going to come with me. I guess that's when we talk about plans but I still won't know the stage by then. I can't wait for Thursday.
I like visits and am not currently on pain killers. Remember that? I'm having dinner with Jamin tomorrow night. I think over here.
Penny is fine. Her meds have sedatives in them. I am going to take advantage of that.