May 15, 2017
Hello my friends,
On July 17 2017 I will be having surgery again. I will be having a laparoscopic total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Look it up if you want to know more. Or ask, I might know the answer. I'll be in the hospital for 2 days and then home recovering for a bit (hopefully not more than a week or 2).
This surgery will allow me to stop getting ovarian suppression shots every 3 months for the next 9 years. The 2 biggest reasons why the surgery is better than the shots for me are:
1) the emotional and spiritual trauma of visiting the chemo ward along with a VERY painful pellet filled with gnarly chemicals shot into my stomach will be over.
2) the shot (covered at 25% by my insurance) costs about $3000 per visit.
If you ever read Julie's blog ( you know that summer was her season. I've always preferred fall. I like corduroys, sweaters, wool socks, my birthday, Thanksgiving, earth tones, and wind.
When I decided my work would be in schools, I knew about the coveted summers off and embraced the freedom that came with that. But summers have never been my thing.In 1997 my dad died of cancer during the summer. I vividly remember watching the fireworks from my mom's NYC apartment by trying to press my face against the window while craning my neck so that I could somehow feel included in the fun. The rest of the day (and days) were spent in the hospital, watching cancer take over my dad's body.
In the last 10 years the following has happened to me over the summer:
Julie died
Puddletown lost its lease unexpectedly and almost had to shut down
An old boyfriend was arrested in another state and I had to post bail
I ended a 6 year relationship
I had melanoma surgery
I had breast cancer surgery
When I make it into a list it doesn't seem like much, and maybe it isn't, but I remember so many summers both recently and not so recently when I had a feeling that despite my chosen profession that many of my summers are spent crying or in the hospital. No swimming, bike rides to nowhere, or long lazy days.
I will be going camping this summer. And enjoying the yard/garden that Christopher has been so patiently working on. I'll eat ice cream and blueberries. Blueberries might be my favorite thing about summer.
Also, did you know "oophorectomy" is pronounced "oh-of-uh-REK-tuh-me"? I have to admit to enjoying saying that word. Silver linings...I don't think I'll need any spreadsheet type of help but I might ask some of you to walk Penny. That's a lot easier now that she's less of an asshole.
Love, Andrea