April 23, 2016
hello all,
good news: 2nd surgery complete and a success.
i am home from the hospital and recovering in my rented hospital bed looking out my bedroom window. also when the doctor came to discharge me a rainbow appeared outside my window. i said it was a sign about me leaving. he said it was a sign about him working too late. we agreed to disagree.
it feels great to be home. the lack of mobility is already exhausting and it will be with me for a while but i will soldier on. and hopefully my helpers will not get too annoyed with having to pull up my pants, hand me my phone, get me another pillow, heat up some soup, make me some tea, pick up that pen, brush my hair and more.
modern medicine is pretty crazy. i am patched up like a rag doll. skin from my stomach is now a breast. my belly button is different, but the same. my stomach has a crazy huge scar hip to hip. if you come over i'll show you, it is pretty weird and wonderful.
every day one step closer.
i really want to quote prince here.