December 4, 2015
Dear Aimee,
My OHSU appt is set. I want to double check with Stacey since she's been to meet both surgeons and for consistency sake, it might make sense for her to come to that appt as well.
But I have other appts that you can come to and that I want someone to come to. Just let me know if it will work for you.
Also, I would really like some help organizing paper work and the gift of a binder. I'll be around most of the weekend (and this evening) for that should you have time.
Upcoming appts (this list is for me too)
12/7 noon Louise Tolzman- naturopath that specializes in breast cancer
12/8 11-12 OHSU phone consult with nurse
12/14 12:45-3 Providence radiation oncologist and medical oncologist (maybe you could come to this?)
12/15 10:30 Providence Pet scan (or this?)
2:30 lloyd mall melanoma doctor
12/17 2-5 pm OHSU multidisciplinary appt
12/21 2 dentist (seriously?)
12/22 2:30 Tori Hudson naturopath that specializes in breast cancer
12/23 9:30 Providence MRI
After talking with the OHSU nurse on 12/8 I might change/cancel some of these appointments so that I can get more things done with their fancy machines instead of Providence's less fancy machines. TBD
Also, tell me it is ok to not want to go to Texas. Sam just called to tell me about the best breast cancer hospital and he REALLY wants me to go there. I don't want to. That idea is terrible.