December 14, 2015
Hi there,
Thanks for writing. I really do appreciate you thinking of me. When I saw you at Likewise I wanted to include you in the conversation we were having and tell you all about my diagnosis, but it didn't feel like the right time. One of the women with me recently had a hysterectomy since she has the BC gene. She's in her 30s and will likely have a mastectomy later. We were talking about early menopause. It sounds super great.
I am in the trenches right now. A million different appointments with a million different types of doctors. And a lot of waiting. I'm exhausted and frustrated and scared.
Once the genetic test results come back it seems like things will begin to fall into place. I will at least know what type of surgery I'll be having.
Here are some questions:
Did you have your ovaries removed when you had your mastectomy? Did you ever have cancer or was having the gene enough for you to make the decision?
Menopause?What words of wisdom can you offer?
Do you/did you do any alternative treatments in conjunction with everything else? I am currently taking a shit load of supplements. My sister would like me to just fly to Vienna to some crazy doctor there that uses some awesome hippy magic to get rid of cancer. I'm probably not going to do that.
I will add you to the email group I made for updates. I've only sent out one and will probably send out another once I know what type of surgery I'm having.