July 14, 2014

Hello my friends,

I just got back from my appointment at the surgical oncologist.

Here is what we know:

-I have melanoma on my right arm.

-From the sample they took in the first biopsy they can’t see the bottom but think it is most likely under 1 mm (and if not then most certainly between 1-2 mm)

-It does not have any ulceration (this is good).

-It has a mitotic rate of greater than 1 (not so good).

– That puts me in the T1b category of cancer. This is different than a stage and they won’t really know what stage until after the surgery.

– Unless the fancy doctor that my mom wants me to talk to tonight disagrees with something, on Monday, July 28 I will have out patient surgery. They will remove the melanoma with a 1 cm margin and do a sentinel lymph node biopsy in my arm pit. The biopsy in the lymph nodes is to check to see if the cancer has spread.

– Results will take 3-5 business days.

-The hope is that it has not spread and that all that comes out of this is many more frequent trips to the dermatologist and some stitches in my arm and arm pit.

– If it has spread then I have to go to an oncologist and talk about things like chemo and radiation.

– I have scheduled the surgery strategically so that I can swim by Whalen Island.

– I love you guys.

– Sorry if this is the first you are hearing of this. I didn’t really know how to tell everyone.





August 1, 2014