February 10, 2016
Hello loved ones,
After meeting more (and more and more) doctors and doing a lot of thinking and breathing, I wanted to update you on my next steps.
I will not be doing chemo or radiation. I'm more than happy to give you more details on how I reached that decision if you are interested, but I'll leave it there for now.
I will be getting a shot either once a month or once every 3 months (depending on how I tolerate it) to shut down my ovaries (immediate menopause) and will be taking an aromatase inhibitor http://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/hormonal/aromatase_inhibitorsThis should (could?) prevent any new cancers from forming and/or kill any existing cancer cells remaining (although there is no readable cancer currently in my body) since my tumor was responding to estrogen and progesterone. I will get these shots and take these pills for at least 5 years, when we will check if I am naturally menopausal. If not, more shots. If so, no more shots but I believe 5 more years of the pill regardless.
I am still finalizing which plastic surgeon I will be using but will probably be having 2 more reconstructive surgeries in the next 6-7 months.
The next surgery (mid April?) will be a big one, and I will once again call on you local folks for help with meals and Penny.
I'm not sure how much support I'll need for the final surgery, but as some people very close to me have mentioned, I'm not shy about asking for help so stay tuned.
Throughout this process I am reminded every day how extremely lucky I am to have all of you in my lives, to trust my gut, and slow down and breathe. Feel free to nudge me if I seem to be neglecting any of those things.
Lastly, if I do get cancer again, and it turns out my gut (and the research backing it up) were wrong, please don't be mad at me. I have spent countless hours making this decision, and I really do think it is for the best. I could be wrong, in which case I'll need you to remind me that I'm not an asshole and that you love me anyway.
I'm off to Italy for a week to completely ignore all the dietary changes I have made and look at old buildings. Don't worry, I'll still take my supplements and do yoga everyday.