December 24, 2015

hello to you lovely women with breasts who are also my bestest,

according to my mri, i may need a mastectomy after all. i am going to be spending the day on 12/31 at ohsu having another ultrasound, more biopsies and meeting with a plastic surgeon. STILL waiting for the genetic test results, but the surgeon feels that cancer has spread in my breast and she will be unable to "save" it.

she also have some suspicion of lymph node trouble, which means chemo.

i am in the middle of nowhere with very spotty phone service with only penny and christopher's mom. christopher is at the movies. i hate christmas.

and i really do hope you are having a nice one. i didn't mean to ruin it. i just had to vent. it is actually really lovely here. peaceful and cozy. but i want to go home. or to hawaii. or under a rock.

mostly i just want a fucking plan and then to make a list and then to check everything off the list and then to not have cancer. can you pass that along to santa?

stupid. stupid.

love you,



December 17, 2015


January 7, 2016